BBN3402Satu2019: MINGGU4 (Terjemahan Cerita)

BBN3402Satu2019: MINGGU4 (Terjemahan Cerita)

BBN 3402


Terjemahan Cerita

Cerita Sosial 4 : Hati

Alim ke sekolah hari ini. Alim membawa kek cawan ke sekolah. Alim ingin berkongsi kek cawan bersama dengan rakan-rakan yang lain. Semalam, ibu beritahu hari ini hari lahir Alim. Alim tidak faham apa itu hari lahir. Alim mengikut kata ibu dan membawa kek cawan ke sekolah.

“Alim, selamat hari lahir!,” kata ibu sambil mengusap-ngusap kepala Alim.
“Terima kasih, ibu,” kata Alim. Alim bersalaman dengan ibu dan terus beredar ke kelas.

Ibu memerhatikan Alim sambil tersenyum. Ibu tahu Alim akan belajar dengan rajin. Ibu mahu Alim menjadi pandai dan boleh menjaga diri. Hari ini, Alim sudah pandai memakai baju sekolah sendiri. Alim pandai memakai kasut sekolah. Alim pandai membawa botol air ke sekolah. Alim tidak lupa bersalaman dengan bapa, abang Imran, kak Madinah dan Aisyah. Alim juga pandai mengemas katil sebelum ke sekolah. Ibu bangga dengan Alim. Ibu tahu Alim boleh berdikari.

Di sekolah, Cikgu Anis selalu mengajar Alim bagaimana untuk menjaga diri. Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim tentang jiran, bagaimana untuk menaiki bas, bagaimana untuk membeli barang di kedai runcit serta bagaimana untuk membeli sayur dan ayam di pasar tani. Minggu lepas Cikgu Anis membawa Alim dan rakan-rakan ke pasar tani. Alim belajar untuk membayar setelah membeli sayur. Rakan Alim yang lain juga belajar untuk membayar nenek yang menjual sayur bayam.

Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk hormat pada orang tua. Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk tunduk apabila berjalan di hadapan orang tua. Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk mengucapkan terima kasih. Cikgu Anis juga mengajar Alim untuk mengucapkan selamat pagi kepada guru besar and cikgu lain. Rakan-rakan sekelas Alim juga sudah pandai menyebut ‘Selamat pagi’ dan ‘Terima kasih’.

Hari ini hari lahir Alim. Alim berkongsi kek cawan dengan rakan kelas yang lain. Rakan-rakannya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Alim.
“Terima kasih, Alim!,” kata rakan-rakan di dalam kelas.

“Selamat hari lahir, Alim,” kata Cikgu Anis sambil tersenyum.

Alim suka Cikgu Anis. Cikgu Anis baik hati. Cikgu Anis selalu mengajar Alim di kelas. Alim mahu menjadi seorang guru seperti Cikgu Anis.

Setelah semua orang makan kek cawan, Alim pun duduk di kerusi dan menunggu arahan daripada Cikgu Anis. Alim mahu belajar dengan rajin.

Bahasa Melayu
Bahasa Inggeris (Google Translate)
Bahasa Inggeris ( bacaan pruf).
Alim ke sekolah hari ini.
Go to school today.
Alim go to school today.
Alim membawa kek cawan ke sekolah.
Alim brought the cupcakes to school.
Alim brought the cupcakes to school.
Alim ingin berkongsi kek cawan bersama dengan rakan-rakan yang lain.
Alim wants to share the cupcakes with other friends.
Alim wants to share the cupcakes with other friends.
Semalam, ibu beritahu hari ini hari lahir Alim.
Yesterday, I told you today is Alim's birthday.
Yesterday, Alim’s mother told that today is Alim’s birthday.
Alim tidak faham apa itu hari lahir.
Alim doesn't know what a birthday is.
Alim doesn't know what is a birthday.
Alim mengikut kata ibu dan membawa kek cawan ke sekolah.
Alim obeyed her and brought the cupcakes to school.
Alim listened to his mother and brought the cupcakes to school.
“Alim, selamat hari lahir!,” kata ibu sambil mengusap-ngusap kepala Alim.
"Alim, happy birthday!" Said the mother as she rubbed Alim's head.
"Alim, happy birthday!" Said the mother as she wiped Alim's head.
“Terima kasih, ibu,” kata Alim.
"Thank you, mom," said Alim.
"Thank you, mother," said Alim.
Alim bersalaman dengan ibu dan terus beredar ke kelas.
Alim shook hands with mom and kept going to class.
Alim shook his mother’s hands and went straight to class.
Ibu memerhatikan Alim sambil tersenyum.
I watched Alim smiling.
Alim’s mother watched him while smilling.
Ibu tahu Alim akan belajar dengan rajin.
I know Alim will study hard.
She know Alim will study hard.
Ibu mahu Alim menjadi pandai dan boleh menjaga diri.
Mom wants Alim to be smart and take care of herself.
She wants Alim to be smart and can take care of himself.
Hari ini, Alim sudah pandai memakai baju sekolah sendiri.
Today, Alim is good at wearing her own school clothes.
Today, Alim is good at wearing his own school uniform.
Alim pandai memakai kasut sekolah.
I am good at wearing school shoes.
He good at wearing school shoes.
Alim pandai membawa botol air ke sekolah.
He was good at bringing water bottles to school.
He was good at bringing water bottles to school.
Alim tidak lupa bersalaman dengan bapa, abang Imran, kak Madinah dan Aisyah.
Alim did not forget to shake hands with his father, brother Imran, brother Medina and Aisha.
Alim did not forget to shake hands with his father, his brother Imran, his sister Medina and Aisha.
Alim juga pandai mengemas katil sebelum ke sekolah.
Alim is also good at packing up bed before school.
Alim is also good at tidying up his bed before going to school.
Ibu bangga dengan Alim.
I'm proud of Alim.
She proud of Alim.
Ibu tahu Alim boleh berdikari.
I know Alim can be independent.
She know Alim can be independent.
Di sekolah, Cikgu Anis selalu mengajar Alim bagaimana untuk menjaga diri.
At school, Teacher Anis always taught Alim how to take care of himself.
At school, Teacher Anis always taught Alim how to take care of himself.
Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim tentang jiran, bagaimana untuk menaiki bas, bagaimana untuk membeli barang di kedai runcit serta bagaimana untuk membeli sayur dan ayam di pasar tani.
Teacher Anis teaches Alim about neighbors, how to ride a bus, how to buy groceries and how to buy vegetables and chicken at the farmers market.
She teaches Alim about neighbours, how to ride a bus, how to buy groceries and how to buy vegetables and chicken at the farmers’ market.
Minggu lepas Cikgu Anis membawa Alim dan rakan-rakan ke pasar tani.
Last week Teacher Anis brought Alim and friends to the farmers market.
Last week she brought Alim and his friends to the farmers’ market.
Alim belajar untuk membayar setelah membeli sayur.
Alim learned to pay after buying vegetables.
Alim learned to pay after buying vegetables.
Rakan Alim yang lain juga belajar untuk membayar nenek yang menjual sayur bayam.
Another Alim's friend also learned to pay for grandma selling spinach.
Another Alim's friend also learned to pay for grandma that selling spinach.
Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk hormat pada orang tua.
Teacher Anis taught Alim to respect the parents.
She taught Alim to respect the parents.
Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk tunduk apabila berjalan di hadapan orang tua.
Teacher Anis taught Alim to obey when walking in front of parents.
Teacher Anis taught Alim to bow when walking in front of the elders.
Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk mengucapkan terima kasih.
Teacher Anis taught Alim to say thank you.
She taught Alim to say thank you.
Cikgu Anis juga mengajar Alim untuk mengucapkan selamat pagi kepada guru besar and cikgu lain.
Teacher Anis also taught Alim to say goodbye to the head teacher and other teachers.
She also taught Alim to say goodbye to the headmaster and other teachers.
Rakan-rakan sekelas Alim juga sudah pandai menyebut ‘Selamat pagi’ dan ‘Terima kasih’.
Alim's classmates are also good at saying 'Good morning' and 'Thank you.'
Alim's classmates are also good at saying 'Good morning' and 'Thank you.'
Hari ini hari lahir Alim.
Today is Alim's birthday.
Today is Alim's birthday.
Alim berkongsi kek cawan dengan rakan kelas yang lain.
Alim shares her cupcakes with other classmates.
Alim shares the cupcakes with his classmates.
Rakan-rakannya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Alim.
His friends thank Alim.
His friends thank Alim.
“Terima kasih, Alim!,” kata rakan-rakan di dalam kelas.
"Thanks, Alim!" Said the classmates.
"Thanks, Alim!" Said the classmates.
“Selamat hari lahir, Alim,” kata Cikgu Anis sambil tersenyum.
"Happy birthday, Alim," said Ms. Anis with a smile.
"Happy birthday, Alim," said Teacher Anis while smiling.
Alim suka Cikgu Anis.
I love Teacher Anis.
I love Teacher Anis.
Cikgu Anis baik hati.
Teacher Anis is kind.
Teacher Anis is kind.
Cikgu Anis selalu mengajar Alim di kelas.
Teacher Anis always taught Alim in class.
She always taught Alim in class.
Alim mahu menjadi seorang guru seperti Cikgu Anis.
Alim wants to become a teacher like Teacher Anis.
Alim wants to become a teacher like Teacher Anis.
Setelah semua orang makan kek cawan, Alim pun duduk di kerusi dan menunggu arahan daripada Cikgu Anis.
After everyone had eaten the cupcakes, Alim sat in the chair and waited for Teacher Anis's instructions.
After everyone had eaten the cupcakes, Alim sat in the chair and waited for Teacher Anis's instructions.
Alim mahu belajar dengan rajin.
Alim wants to study hard.
Alim wants to study hard.

Alim go to school today. Alim brought the cupcakes to school. Alim wants to share the cupcakes with other friends. Yesterday, Alim’s mother told that today is Alim’s birthday. Alim doesn't know what is a birthday. Alim listened to his mother and brought the cupcakes to school.

"Alim, happy birthday!" Said the mother as she wiped Alim's head.

 "Thank you, mother," said Alim. Alim shook his mother’s hands and went straight to class.

Alim’s mother watched him while smilling. She know Alim will study hard. She wants Alim to be smart and can take care of himself. Today, Alim is good at wearing his own school uniform.  He good at wearing school shoes. He was good at bringing water bottles to school. Alim did not forget to shake hands with his father, his brother Imran, his sister Medina and Aisha. Alim is also good at tidying up his bed before going to school. She proud of Alim. She know Alim can be independent.

At school, Teacher Anis always taught Alim how to take care of himself. She teaches Alim about neighbours, how to ride a bus, how to buy groceries and how to buy vegetables and chicken at the farmers’ market. Last week she brought Alim and his friends to the farmers’ market. Alim learned to pay after buying vegetables. Another Alim's friend also learned to pay for grandma that selling spinach.
She taught Alim to respect the parents. Teacher Anis taught Alim to bow when walking in front of the elders. She taught Alim to say thank you. She also taught Alim to say goodbye to the headmaster and other teachers. Alim's classmates are also good at saying 'Good morning' and 'Thank you.'

Today is Alim's birthday. Alim shares the cupcakes with his classmates. His friends thank Alim.

"Thanks, Alim!" said the classmates.

 "Happy birthday, Alim," said Teacher Anis while smiling.

I love Teacher Anis. Teacher Anis is kind. She always taught Alim in class. Alim wants to become a teacher like Teacher Anis.

After everyone had eaten the cupcakes, Alim sat in the chair and waited for Teacher Anis's instructions. Alim wants to study hard.

Cerita Sosial 5 : Jiran

Alim mempunyai banyak buku cerita yang dihadiahkan oleh bapa, ibu, abang dan kakak. Alim menyusun semua buku mengikut abjad. Alim suka menyusun dan mengemas buku setiap hari. Alim akan membaca buku pada waktu petang dan malam. Kadang-kadang Alim akan memberikan buku cerita kepada jiran sebelah rumah. Alim suka berkongsi dengan jiran. Jiran sebelah mempunyai seorang anak lelaki bernama Sulaiman. Sulaiman berumur 9 tahun dan bersekolah di sekolah yang sama dengan Alim.

          “Sulaiman, ini buku cerita tentang rumah papan,” sebut Alim sambil menghulurkan buku melalui pagar rumah.

          “Kamu beri saya buku ini, Alim?” tanya Sulaiman sambil membelek-belek buku tersebut.

          “Ya,” jawab Alim. “Terima kasih, Alim” kata Sulaiman sambil tersenyum. Alim pun beredar masuk ke dalam rumah.

          Alim seorang yang pemurah. Dia selalu berkongsi apa yang dia ada dengan Sulaiman. Sulaiman juga pemurah. Kadang-kadang dia akan berkongsi coklat yang dibelinya dengan Alim.
          Pada suatu hari, Alim jatuh sakit. Badannya panas dan Alim tidak bermaya. Alim mudah jatuh sakit dan Alim tidak pernah merungut. Bapa dan ibu membawa Alim ke klinik berhampiran. Doktor memberikan ubat supaya Alim cepat sembuh.

          Apabila sakit, Alim tidak akan bercakap. Alim akan tidur di bilik. Alim tidak akan membaca buku cerita lagi.

          Abang, kakak dan adik sedih melihat keadaan Alim. Mereka menemani Alim di bilik. Mereka cuba bercerita dengan Alim tetapi Alim tetap mendiamkan diri. Mata Alim terbuka tetapi Alim tetap kaku.

          “Kenapa dengan abang, ibu?” ujar adik perempuan Alim sambil menangis.

          “Abang tidak sihat, adik,” jawab ibu sambil memujuk adik perempuan Alim. Abang dan kakak sedih melihat Alim dan adik perempuan mereka. Mereka juga menangis.

          Mereka semua berdoa supaya Alim cepat sembuh.

          Selang beberapa minggu, Alim pun sihat. Semua ahli keluarga gembira. Alim sudah mula membaca buku cerita bersama abang, kakak dan adik perempuan.
          Alim juga melambai-lambai tangan ke arah Sulaiman apabila Sulaiman menjenguk melalui pagar rumah.

Bahasa Melayu
Bahasa Inggeris (
Bahasa Inggeris
 ( Bacaan Pruf)
Alim mempunyai banyak buku cerita yang dihadiahkan oleh bapa, ibu, abang dan kakak.
Alim has many storybooks given by father, mother, brother and sister.
Alim has many storybook given by his father, mother, brother and sister.
Alim menyusun semua buku mengikut abjad.
Alim arranges all books in alphabetical order.
Alim arranges all the book in alphabetical order.
Alim suka menyusun dan mengemas buku setiap hari.
Alim loves sorting and updating books every day.
Alim loves sorting and updating the books every day.
Alim akan membaca buku pada waktu petang dan malam.
Alim will read the book in the Evening and night.
Alim will read the book in the evening and night.
Kadang-kadang Alim akan memberikan buku cerita kepada jiran sebelah rumah.
Sometimes the Alim will give the storybook to the neighbours next door.
Sometimes, Alim will give the storybooks to the neighbours next the door.
Alim suka berkongsi dengan jiran.
Alim likes to share with neighbours.
Alim likes to share something with his neighbours.
Jiran sebelah mempunyai seorang anak lelaki bernama Sulaiman.
The neighbours have a son named Sulaiman.
His neighbours next the door have a son named Sulaiman.
Sulaiman berumur 9 tahun dan bersekolah di sekolah yang sama dengan Alim.
Sulaiman was 9 years old and attended the same school as Alim.
Sulaiman was 9 years old and attended the same school as Alim.
“Sulaiman, ini buku cerita tentang rumah papan,” sebut Alim sambil menghulurkan buku melalui pagar rumah.
"Sulaiman, this storybook about the board house," say Alim while stretched through a home fence.
"Sulaiman, this storybooks tell about the wooden house," said Alim while passing the book through the gate.
“Kamu beri saya buku ini, Alim?” tanya Sulaiman sambil membelek-belek buku tersebut.
"You give me this book, Alim?" asked Sulaiman while Membelek-belek the book.
"You give me this book, Alim?" asked Sulaiman while looking at the book.
“Ya,” jawab Alim.
"Yes," said Alim.
"Yes," said Alim.
“Terima kasih, Alim” kata Sulaiman sambil tersenyum.
"Thank you, Alim" said Sulaiman smiling.
"Thank you, Alim" said Sulaiman while smiling.
Alim pun beredar masuk ke dalam rumah.
Alim is circulating into the house.
Alim is circulating into the house.
Alim seorang yang pemurah.
Alim a generous person.
Alim is a generous person.
Dia selalu berkongsi apa yang dia ada dengan Sulaiman.
He always shares what he has with Sulaiman.
He always shares anything that he has with Sulaiman.
Sulaiman juga pemurah.
Sulaiman is also generous.
Sulaiman is also a generous person.
Kadang-kadang dia akan berkongsi coklat yang dibelinya dengan Alim.
Sometimes he will share the chocolate that is in his own with Alim.
Sometimes, he will share his chocolate with Alim.
Pada suatu hari, Alim jatuh sakit.
One day, Alim falls ill.
One day, Alim got sick.
Badannya panas dan Alim tidak bermaya.
The hot body and Alim are not as virtual.
Alim’s body is getting hot and he become exhausted.
Alim mudah jatuh sakit dan Alim tidak pernah merungut.
Alim is easily falling sick and Alim never complained.
Alim is easily falling sick and he never complained.
Bapa dan ibu membawa Alim ke klinik berhampiran.
Father and mother brought Alim to the clinic nearby.
His father and mother brought him to the nearby clinic.
Doktor memberikan ubat supaya Alim cepat sembuh.
The doctor gave medicine so that Alim quickly recovered.
The doctor gave him the medicine, so that Alim can quickly recovered.
Apabila sakit, Alim tidak akan bercakap.
When sick, Alim will not speak.
When Alim sick, he will not speak.
Alim akan tidur di bilik.
Alim will be asleep in the room.
Alim will be asleep in the room.
Alim tidak akan membaca buku cerita lagi.
Alim will not read the storybook anymore.
Alim will not read the storybooks anymore.
Abang, kakak dan adik sedih melihat keadaan Alim.
Brother, sister and brother are sad to see the Alim situation.
His brother, sister and younger sister are sad to see Alim condition.
Mereka menemani Alim di bilik.
They accompany the Alim in the room.
They accompany Alim in the room.
Mereka cuba bercerita dengan Alim tetapi Alim tetap mendiamkan diri.
They tried to talk to Alim but Alim remained at the same.
They tried to talk to Alim but Alim remained silence.
Mata Alim terbuka tetapi Alim tetap kaku.
The eyes of Alim open but Alim remain stiff.
Alim eyes are open but Alim remain stiff.
“Kenapa dengan abang, ibu?” ujar adik perempuan Alim sambil menangis.
"Why is it with brother, mother?" said the younger sister Alim while crying.
"Whats wrong with brother, mother?" said Aisyah while crying.
“Abang tidak sihat, adik,” jawab ibu sambil memujuk adik perempuan Alim.
"The brother is unhealthy, brother," answer the mother while persuaded the Alim sister.
"Your brother is unhealthy, Aisyah," said mother while persuaded Aisyah.
Abang dan kakak sedih melihat Alim dan adik perempuan mereka.
Abang and sister are sad to see their Alim and sisters.
His brother and sister are sad to see Alim and their sisters.
Mereka juga menangis.
They also cried.
They also cried.
Mereka semua berdoa supaya Alim cepat sembuh.
They all pray that Alim quickly heal.
All of them pray to Alim, so that Alim quickly heal.
Selang beberapa minggu, Alim pun sihat.
The interval of weeks, Alim is healthy.
The interval of weeks, Alim already in healthy condition.
Semua ahli keluarga gembira.
All happy family members.
All family members are happy.
Alim sudah mula membaca buku cerita bersama abang, kakak dan adik perempuan.
Alim has started reading the story book with brother, sister and sister.
Alim has started reading the storybooks with his brother, sister and younger sister.
Alim juga melambai-lambai tangan ke arah Sulaiman apabila Sulaiman menjenguk melalui pagar rumah.
Alim also melambai-lambai the hand toward Sulaiman when Sulaiman comes was through a home fence.
Alim also waving his hand towards Sulaiman when Sulaiman looking through the gate.

Alim has many storybook given by his father, mother, brother and sister. Alim arranges all the book in alphabetical order. Alim loves sorting and updating the books every day. Alim will read the book in the evening and night. Sometimes, Alim will give the storybooks to the neighbours next the door. Alim likes to share something with his neighbours. His neighbours next the door have a son named Sulaiman. Sulaiman was 9 years old and attended the same school as Alim.

 "Sulaiman, this storybooks tell about the wooden house," said Alim while passing the book through the gate.

"You give me this book, Alim?" asked Sulaiman while looking at the book.

 "Yes," said Alim. "Thank you, Alim" said Sulaiman while smiling. Alim is circulating into the house.

 Alim is a generous person. He always shares anything that he has with Sulaiman. Sulaiman is also a generous person. Sometimes, he will share his chocolate with Alim.

One day, Alim got sick. Alim’s body is getting hot and he become exhausted. Alim is easily falling sick and he never complained. His father and mother brought him to the nearby clinic. The doctor gave him the medicine, so that Alim can quickly recovered.
When Alim sick, he will not speak. Alim will be asleep in the room. Alim will not read the storybooks anymore.

His brother, sister and younger sister are sad to see Alim condition. They accompany Alim in the room. They tried to talk to Alim but Alim remained silence. Alim eyes are open but Alim remain stiff.

"Whats wrong with brother, mother?" said Aisyah while crying.

"Your brother is unhealthy, Aisyah," said mother while persuaded Aisyah. His brother and sister are sad to see Alim and their sisters. They also cried.

All of them pray to Alim, so that Alim quickly heal.

The interval of weeks, Alim already in healthy condition. All family members are happy. Alim has started reading the storybooks with his brother, sister and younger sister.

Alim also waving his hand towards Sulaiman when Sulaiman looking through the gate.

Nama : Nurul Nabila binti Jaffar
No matrik : 197296

Nama : Nur Syawalni Atikah binti Ahmad Rahmattullah
No matrik : 197358
